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We are New Life Tie Dye. We create unique hand dyed chromotherapy tools on high quality, second hand fabrics; giving a new life to the material. 

We started back in 2016, using 100% second-hand, upcycled materials.

Inspired by liberty and freedom of expression found in music festival environments; synchronized with a personal love for second hand material; and discovering the overwhelming amount of clothing sent to thrift shops and the true cost of the textile industry. 

We see the value in no-longer used, out-of-style and lightly stained is a beautiful opportunity for a new, more vibrant life!

The power of colour is indescribable, as it is different for every being. The lack of it in the common work spaces is an unconscious attempt to numb and neutralize the people. 

We have chosen to use fiber reactive dyes over natural “organic” dyes because after doing some research, we felt better using these man-made dyes over plants that are grown and can be used as medicine and food, for humans, animals and insects. Another reason being, the colours are often muted or very faint; this is to say it is beautiful, however not the style we are going for. As well, we use a form of baking soda for binding the colour to the material, whereas with natural colours from plants it requires a more intensive process to ensure the colours bind and stay. If they don’t stay for long, we’d be more likely to need to reapply colours after it washes out. 

Along our journey, we discovered a group of individuals, called Talking Trees, whom we found our goals deeply resonated with. Talking Trees mission is to create off-grid holistic homes and community. Permaculture systems, Earthship-Inspired dwellings and reconnecting with nature. Visit the website and social media to find out more —> www.TalkingTrees.Love 

We are so grateful you’ve taken the time to read and get to know us a bit more. Feel free to reach out and say hi, or ask any questions you may have. 

What is upcycling?

Almost like upgrading; upcycling gives an item a better purpose. 

Upcycling is the process of converting old or discarded materials into something useful and often beautiful. 

The difference between recycling and upcycling? Recycling takes materials and breaks them down so their base materials can be remade into a new consumer product, often of lesser quality. 

The fact we choose to use second hand materials always brings along the mystery of finding random and unique articles of clothing, keeping each piece we create one of its kind. 


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